P2P Learning between Tana River and Isiolo County
This case study documents a peer-to-peer learning exchange between the Counties of Tana River and Isiolo in Kenya focusing on the creation of a youth innovation and empowerment centre (YIEC). This example of peer learning was documented, through interviews in Tana River and Isiolo Counties, as part of the EIP and Maarifa Centre collaboration and aimed to showcase existing practices and examples to raise awareness on the practice of peer-to-peer (P2P) learning. It was also leveraged as part of the Investing in Inter-County Peer Learning as a Strategy for Institutional Reforms where several Counties interested in the YIEC reform learnt from this showcase, shared their own experiences and aspirations regarding intercounty peer learning and participated in problem-solving exercises.
Tana River County established a YIEC, in March 2022, after learning of the existence of a YIEC in Isiolo County. The Tana River YIEC, which aims to respond to youth unemployment and idleness, has trained over 1 800 youth in various programmes, as of December 2022, allowing them to gain critical employment competencies and skills as well as use the space for recreation. The opening of the YIEC was also accompanied by the drafting of a County Youth Inclusion Policy that is emblematic of the County’s inclusion of youth voice and representation in decision-making.
This study presents the context, the problem(s) that the peers sought to solve, how the Counties went about this, lessons learnt, and preliminary results of this intervention.