Home News & Events Peer Learning Guide Launch at OECD Integrity Week
Peer Learning Guide Launch at OECD Integrity Week

Peer Learning Guide Launch at OECD Integrity Week

Apr. 20, 2016

Emily Gay at launch of peer learning guide As part of the OECD’s Integrity Week from  18–22th April 2016, the Effective Institutions Platform’s (EIP) Emilie Gay (Governance Advisor, OECD) presented our revamped Peer Learning Guide in a ‘meet the authors’ panel on anti-corruption practices. Anti-corruption is one of spheres in the public sector where peer learning is most used. The launch emphasised the strength of peer learning to surmount anticorruption’s more ‘political’ or softer dimensions of change—dimensions that are often overlooked by pre-defined supply-side technical solutions.

The other speakers, including Renato de Oliveira Capanema (Director, Brazil Office of the Comptroller General), stressed the constructive role that peer learning has to play in furthering anticorruption efforts. As an example, Mr Capanema highlighted the deeply positive experience the Brazilian Comptroller General had in their US backed peer learning alliance with El Salvador. 

The EIP’s current peer learning alliance with Latin American Supreme Audit Institutions (SAIs) looks to build upon the work of institutions like the Brazilian Comptroller General and generate further learning opportunities in the accountability system.   

Please see our revised Peer Learning Guide (‘Draft for consultation’) here. Any feedback or comments would be welcomed: effectiveinstitutions@oecd.org