Effective Institutions Platform blue background


In 2012, during the Busan High Level Forum on Aid Effectiveness, 34 countries and organisations endorsed a New Consensus on More Effective Institutions for DevelopmentThe EIP was created to operationalise this New Consensus and support the creation of accountable, inclusive and transparent public sector institutions in three broad areas: effective resource management, accessible and quality public services, and responsive policies. 


With the advent of Agenda 2030, and the new and explicit reference to effective institutions under SDG 16, the EIP established itself as a “new mechanism for innovation and peer learning on effective and inclusive institutionstasked with developing and disseminating methods and knowledge on peer-to-peer (P2P) learning. In the proceeding years, based on the 2015-2020 Strategic Framework, the EIP established a credible reputation as a multi-stakeholder platform generating policy dialogues, knowledge sharing, and supporting country-driven learning alliances.   

Over the years, the EIP has built a reputation as a convenor of multi-stakeholder policy dialogues, for example on the use of country systems in development cooperation. It supported north-south and south-south peer learning alliances around member-initiated activities, such as supreme audit institutions and citizen engagement. In 2016 the EIP developed a Guide to P2P Learning, offering methodological guidance to facilitate P2P learning in the public sector. A series of small grants were provided in 2017 to support P2P learning initiatives by EIP members (see joint EIP and National School of Government International (UK) report).

In 2018, in response to a changing development landscape, members agreed that a revisioning process was needed to sharpen the EIP’s focus, enhance results, and renew membership and participation. Consequently, as a result of discussions at the 5th Annual Meeting in 2019, the EIP adopted a new Strategic Focus and updated its governance arrangements.      

Learn more about the EIP’s current focus and work.